Summerland Serums Pty Ltd
100% Australian owned, family run company
Summerland Serums Pty Ltd is a 100% Australian owned and family run company that operates out of its own APVMA approved premises without the need to outsource any of its manufacturing or production processes. Summerland Serums produces two snake antivenoms making it unique amongst its competitors due to its comprehensive antivenom range. Products undergo stringent quality control testing regimes as designated by the APVMA to ensure a consistently high standard.
1957 – Dr Keith Curtin BVSc of Lismore in Northern NSW was called upon to treat a heifer suffering from tick paralysis at nearby Terania Creek for Mr Oliver Carter. While Dr Curtin was giving the heifer supportive treatment ( at that stage tick anti-venom was not readily available ) he noticed Mr Carter’s dog nearby “loaded” with paralysis ticks and suffering no apparent ill effects. Dr Curtin quickly came to an agreement with Mr Carter. Mr Carter would allow Dr Curtin to collect blood from his hyperimmune dog in lieu of payment for treatment for the heifer. Lismore Serum Products was born and Dr Curtin and his wife Julia begin their 50 year career producing tick antivenom.
1961 – Dr Curtin was approached by Dr John Oxer of CSL in Melbourne to supply CSL with tick serum which they could further process for human needs. CSL had been producing tick serum since 1938 but deemed it more economically feasible to outsource its tick serum production from Dr Curtin. This relationship has endured till recent times, which has also included the supply of female engorged paralysis ticks and until recently the testing of our two snake antivenom products.
1981 – Dr Curtin recognises the need for a tick serum product of a higher purity than anything that is currently available on the market. He discusses this problem with his brother in law, Professor RG Wake who is the Head of Biochemistry at Sydney University. This collaboration leads to the development of a product that can be safely used on animals of a non canine origin and repeat patients who are more susceptible to the risk of anaphylaxis. Dr Curtin names this product Despecified Tick Serum which is now known as Purified Anti – Tick Serum. This product is still the only one of its kind available in Australia.
2002 – Dr Curtin and Julia’s son John Curtin, BaAppSc, returns to the family business. With the help of expert consultants from both Australia and abroad, two snake antivenom products are developed, Tiger-Multi Brown Snake AV 7000IU and Multi-Brown Snake AV 1500IU. This research and development, in conjunction with the registration process will take 5 years. To further reflect the expanding nature of the family business, a name change is enacted and Summerland Serums is born.
2006 – The APVMA grants approval for the two new snake antivenom products. Both products, Tiger/Multi-Brown Snake Antivenom 7000IU and Multi-Brown Snake Antivenom 1500IU, are the most potent on the market. The immediate success of the products leads to a competitor renaming their product and increasing their IU. However our production processes and product purity can not be matched.
2008 – Present day. Summerland Serums has grown to become the most widely used Tick Serum / Snake Antivenom producer in Australia with a continued commitment to quality and consistency.