Purified Anti-Tick Serum >1000iu/ml
Active constituents
Not less than 1000 Ixodes holocyclus antitoxin units (canine origin) per mL. Contains 2.2mg/ml as preservative 20mL [50mL]
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Product Overview
Purified Anti-Tick Serum: not less than 1000IU/mL
Purified Anti-Tick Serum is the only product of its kind in Australia due to its intensive manufacturing process. All tick antivenoms in Australia are made from hyper immunised dogs; however Purified serum undergoes a purification process similar to our Snake Antivenoms making it both more concentrated (often a lot greater than the 1000IU/ml minimum) and a lot safer to use thus greatly reducing the chance of anaphylaxis. Purified Tick-Anti Serum is manufactured within the strict guidelines in accordance to APVMA standards.
This product is best suited to:
1.animals of a non canine origin
2.repeat cases that are more susceptible to reactions
3.animals of high value that the treating clinician considers of primary importance to save.

Direction of Use- Precautions
Repetitive serum treatment, after an interval of 10 or more days, particularly where the I.V. route has been used, can cause severe anaphylaxis and death. In these cases an intravenous corticoid, antihistamine cover and adrenaline are advisable prior to serum administration. It is important to obtain the history of any previous serum treatment.
Anaphylactic reactions to I.V. treatment are not predictable however the I.V. route gives a much faster and more predictable response to the tick toxicitiys.
Dosage and Aministration
The initial dose of serum is influenced by several factors viz weight, breed, severity of symptoms, number of attached ticks, etc. hence the need for a clinical assessment. Because of the wide variation in the clinical conditions as the case is presented an identical response cannot be expected with serum administration. Advanced cases in animals that are prostrate with respiratory and cardiac complications, supportive treatment is very important and the prognosis is much less favourable. As a general guide 1mL per kg body weight I.V. is an adequate serum dose. It is very important to give a large initial dose of serum rather than rely on top up doses which don't appear to have the same effect. In cases where an initial response is followed by a relapse, it indicates almost certainly, the presence of another tick attachment on the animal. This necessitates the administration of more serum followed by a thorough body check and if necessary a body clip and an insecticidal wash. The following dose rates are to be used as a guide only.
CATS: 2-4 mL
DOGS: 5-15 mL
SHEEP, GOATS and PIGS: 5-12 mL
FOALS and CALVES: 10-20 mL
General Treatment
If an animal is excitable a tranquillising agent such as Acetylpromazine should be given. It is important after treatment to keep the animal in a cool, dark, relaxed atmosphere free from external stimuli. Stress is a major factor in the case of tick paralysis cases and must be avoided as much as possible. In animals with dypsnoea, diuretics, vasodilators e.g. ACP and oxygen therapy are indicated. Where vomiting is severe a non-respiratory depressant anti-emetic should be administered. Ventilatory support may be indicated in some cases.
Where dehydration is a factor a slow I.V. drip of glucose saline solution is recommended. However if there is left side diastolic heart failure, a saline drip will exacerbate the condition, therefore a colloid should be administered instead.
Some animals, particularly foals, thrash about during the recovery phase. In these cases a padded bed with a specific head care is most important. In the case of working or sporting dogs, a period of inactive rest for a number of weeks is important because of possible cardiac complications caused by the effect of tick toxin on the heart. To strenuously exercise in hot weather can have fatal results.
When there is excessive salivation or interference with the swallowing reflex, atrophine sulphate should be administered. Food and oral liquids should not be given until muscular recovery is complete. In case of respiratory or laryngeal paralysis complications, a broad spectrum antibiotic cover should be maintained.
The recommended storage temperature is 4o- 8oC. This product should. NOT be frozen and should be stored away from light.
The empty bottle should be wrapped in paper and placed in a garbage bin.